Once.Fallen.2010.DVDRip.XviDWhen Chance (Brian Presley) returns home after five years in jail, he is determined to escape his past, start a new life and make peace with his father, (Ed Harris), who is the head of the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang and serving a life sentence for murder. Upon his release, his dreams of a crime-free future begin to disintegrate when he is forced to assume his best friend’s outrageous debt to a local mobster. Despite being thrust beck into a world of organized fighting, drug dealing and ties to corrupt police agents, Chance falls in love with Pearl (Taraji P. Henson) and the prospect of living a normal life seems almost within reach. But will he be able to escape the crimes of his father and his past?
Ďđîńěîňđîâ: 732 | Ęîěěĺíňŕđčč: (0)
Shrek Forever After (2010) R5Dupa ce a provocat marele dragon, a salvat-o pe printesa si imparatia socrilor, ce poate sa mai faca un ogre ? Ei bine, daca te cheama Shrek, atunci esti un familist convins. In loc sa sperie satenii asa cum obisnuia el sa faca in trecut, acum el da autografe pe furcile acestora. Intrebarea care si-o pune el insusi este "ce s-a intamplat cu spiritul lui salbatic ?" Lui ii este dor de acele zile de libertate asa ca semneaza un pact cu un spiridus destul de dubios pe nume Rumplestiltskin. Acesta de fapt il pacaleste si il trimite pe Shrek intr-un taram Far, Far Away alternativ, acolo unde cei ca el sunt vanati, Rumplestiltskin este rege, iar Shrek si Fiona nu s-au intalnit niciodata. Este datoria lui Shrek de a se intoarce in realitatea lui, in speranta ca isi va salva prietenii si iubita lui sotie.
Ďđîńěîňđîâ: 769 | Ęîěěĺíňŕđčč: (0)