The HauntingFrancesca is a pediatrician who is dedicated to both motherhood and children, married to another physician, Pedro. Following the birth of a new child, Francesca begins to suffer from postpartum depression. Following the advice of friend and psychiatrist Jean, the couple move to a new home away from the city. But Francesca’s obsession with her new baby engulfs her. Regardless of Pedro’s and Jean’s attempts to help her, she seems to drift dangerously close to madness. And to make matters worse, she is starting to hear and see things. Furtive figures and ghostly shadows start tormenting her. The large house in which she and her family live alone seems to hide terrible secrets. Both the cellar and the attic are locked and barred to the family, and it is from both these places that Francesca receives nocturnal visits that are slowly driving her mad.
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Icarus Agentul KGB Icarus a ajuns la apogeul carierei sale de asasin profesionist lucrand timp de mai multi ani pe teritoriul Statelor Unite ale Americii, dar atunci cand Uniunea Sovietica s-a destramat, s-a trezit singur intr-o tara straina, fara nimeni pe care sa se poata bizui. Decis sa lase in urma trecutul reprobabil, Icarus isi schimba identitatea luandu-si numele de Edward Genn, se casatoreste, devine tatal unei fetite si incepe o afacere proprie cu o firma de investitii. O intamplare nefericita petrecuta in Hong Kong ii dezvaluie insa adevarata identitate, iar barbatul intelege ca nu poate scapa cu atata usurinta de trecut. Anumiti oameni il vor mort pe Icarus si nu se dau in laturi de la nimic pentru a-si atinge scopurile, chiar daca acest lucru inseamna sa ii vaneze pe membri familiei fostului agent KGB. Luptand sa invinga demonii trecutului, Edward Genn trebuie sa afle cine sunt aceia care il hartuiesc si sa ii anihileze inainte de a fi prea tarziu si inainte de a-si pierde sotia si fiica.
Ďđîńěîňđîâ: 657 | Ęîěěĺíňŕđčč: (1)